Saturday 31 March 2012

Internet prude

Maybe I am old fashioned, maybe I am slow, maybe I have daddy issues, maybe, maybe maybe..maybe I am just a moron..
Judge me all you want, but I honestly think I am too slow to keep up.
Everything’s so fast..
Information at your fingertip..
News spread as fast as you taking a piss..
Cheating on a loved one does not require two people being in the same room anymore..(depends if you consider tantric (?!!) sex via webcam is cheating)
Viral is not referred to diseases anymore..
I am too slow for this modern day technology and I’m only 34.
I feel like I’m grasping and gasping for air.
It is the day and age when people only read headlines and look at pictures.
It is also the era when spelling properly is considered a chore. can’t spell in full. Why? Because it takes too much time..people, your friends on Facebook, your Tweeter followers your fans and friends..need to know everything that’s on your mind right now.
(And of course for Tweets, space is not a compromise. Thank god for that, maybe)
Life’s hectic. Too hectic for comfort. Maybe just for me. Everyone else seem to be enjoying themselves.
Everyone knows where you were last night, which party you were at, whose party it was, how many drinks you had, the dress you wore, every single minute detail is so easily accessible to everyone..if you don’t tell, some other people at the party might post something and this person knows another person..and hey..its a really small world after all in the big mad facebook universe that all of us seemed to be living in for the past few years.
Everyone knows everyone.
Unfriending and blocking amidst rows, arguments and breakups is a common thing.
You ask people you hardly know to be your friend on facebook..and you follow people like Kim Kardashian and her less attractive sisters to make you feel more like a diva and closer to the untalented Hollywood products.
I am also at fault. I am not judging but merely pointing out my grief and worry.
While many splendor in the easily accessible Facebook and tweeter..everyone can have their own legion of fans now.
Everyone can be the writer, the model, the porn star, the hunk that people of yesteryears can only dream of.
You want to be popular..easy. Post a compromising position of you on FB or tweet your photos. Models like Kate Upton, post pics of her boobs and flawless bikini body on tweeter. Will this boost sales for her Sports Illustrated issue? It does.
Photos, catchy headlines, videos, ask your friends and families and their friends and families to “Like” or “Follow”  a post..and voila! Success, stardom in a flash.
There’s also things like the Arab Spring for instance, which is an undeniably positive way of this communication networks and how it helped bring about knowledge and togetherness, however we sometimes forget that unlimited knowledge can be extremely dangerous when the knowledge is half-baked. You get a generation that gets riled up just by reading a few lines on tweeter and continue to retweet even before finding out the facts.
The latest is the video that went viral, Kony2012.
Intellectuals everywhere have discussed about the pros and cons of this video which up till now had been viewed more than 80 (?) million times only a span of 5 days! That’s amazing.
The organisation behind Kony2012, Invisible Children claimed to be unprepared with the attention they are getting but went ahead embracing the success anyway.
It is true, the more awareness created the more things can be done. The more pressure is put on the powers that be the more quicker things change for the better.
I am not a pessimist, but I can’t deny that I am a sceptic. People my age think that videos that go viral is important, let’s bulldoze everything and begin the internet war, be an online activist anyone. One share and one like on the net will make that change.
I say nay. It is good but there should be ethics, laws, authentication and so on. I am an internet prude and I know I will be hated and unfriended and blocked or whatever tools that can be used on the social media to make a person feel bad about voicing something slightly different. Its ok, I have my real friends to run to who’d listen to my reasons and discuss issues without giving me the virtual thumbs up and the occasional “like”. I value that the most.

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